The Significance Of Cybersecurity In The Workplace
Is cybercrime a bigger national security issue than regular national security issues? The answer is “no.” The recent pandemic isn’t a traditional national security issue, the UK’s cyberchief has said in an interview. Of course it affects everyone’s security, but just like a terrorist attack or an aggressive foreign nation s technology, it isn’t the type of external, physical or virtual threat that’s used to build and plan response.
Cybersecurity in the UK hasn’t traditionally been thought of as being a national priority, according to DEF CON organizer James Turner. “Cyberspace is too diffuse a space for conventional deterrence,” he said. Cyber criminals are also more savvy than many people realise, he continued. Turner and other business leaders think that businesses need both a traditional defense strategy and an online security plan, working hand-in-hand. “Cybersecurity isn’t just about protecting corporate information,” he said.
The UK already has some national cyber security measures in place, such as GCHQ and the National Crime Agency (NCA). The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) and the National Infrastructure Security Service (NIS) also have their own Cybercrime Office. The government is supporting these measures with new GCHQ grants and is expected to announce new guidelines regarding the handling of private information by GCHQ. However, Turner thinks that there needs to be a broader definition of what constitutes a cyber crime. He proposed the creation of a new body, which could be called Cybercrime UK, to gather and classify this growing area of cyber activity.
There are already many types of cyber crime, according to cybersecurity experts. Many companies have already been affected by the recent economic news involving Sony Pictures, resulting in a number of high-profile leaks of confidential information. In response to the news, many businesses were closed or placed on precautionary measures including lock outs and evacuations of company property. In response to heightened security awareness, many businesses have implemented greater security measures in their computer systems. The definition of cyber security is now being expanded to include these proactive measures.
Businesses must take the necessary steps to protect themselves from the threat of malicious cyber activity, according to Turner. One of the first steps is to determine what types of information assets are available to a cyber criminal. This may include trade secrets, intellectual property, and financial assets. By defining what businesses must protect, businesses will be better equipped to develop and implement effective strategies for mitigating any potential threat. Additionally, by defining what types of information assets are considered a high risk, businesses can better manage their cybersecurity risk.
One way that businesses can address the issue of combating cyber threats is through the NIS regulations. The NIS regulations outline procedures that must be followed when handling information related to a federal threat. For instance, in 2020, the NIS regulations require that businesses compile a list of information assets that constitute a high risk. These assets must be handled, controlled, and maintained according to the NIS regulations.
Additionally, businesses must implement countermeasures to prevent third-party attackers from accessing and using their information assets. These countermeasures could include a firewall, anti-phishing software, and data center safeguards. Businesses would be wise to consider adding an appropriate level of physical security to their information assets. A firewall would allow attackers into a system but would-be attackers would be unable to access personal information on consumers via the internet.
There are many ways that businesses can protect themselves from cyber attacks. For instance, most businesses must take precautions to prevent data breaches that lead to the transmission of viruses, spyware, and malware. However, the prevention of cyber attacks is only the first step toward a complete solution. Hence, businesses must also implement other means to address cyber attacks such as educating users about the importance of safe storage and reporting these incidents to the proper authorities.