What Is An Electric Scooter

We used to have three cars in the family. One for the whole family, one for myself, and one for my husband. Since we were both driving to work, we need different cars so we save time and effort.
But I was actually wrong. While I will not deny the fact that cars are a great wonder to transportation, I know that in this fast changing and technology driven world we have, companies are adapting to changes too, especially to transportation and communication.
Let’s take as a case study the transportation. Well, when you are on the road driving, you will see people are now moving conveniently with electric scooters. Sometimes, I envy them as they need not to worry on spacious parking lots, on traffic jams where they can be stuck, or even the time consuming drive.
They actually save more money and effort than people who have cars. Imagine, they do not go to gas stations to fuel up (just an outlet with electricity). They can use their electric motors for three days and charge it for hours only. They can move easily in the streets and they drive without too much noise.
And when I found out about this, my husband and I sold our own cars and bought two electric scooter from Unu Motors where they call it as elektrische scooter. We only have one car for the family and i think we get to save a lot of time and effort, and money too because of it!