Paintball Gun Selection Tips
When it comes to paintball guns, there are a number of options available. If you’re a beginner, it’s important to choose a paintball gun that’s right for you. There are some tricks to selecting the best paintball gun.
The first thing you should do is to think about what type of paintball marker you want. Some are true pump markers, while others are true point-and-shoot types. Pump markers will spray and emit a stream of paintball at a faster rate. It’s important to consider how long you plan to play paintball.
Think about how far away you’ll be shooting the ball. A good rule of thumb is to be able to hit the target within five feet or so. After you’ve determined this, look at how many of these you’re going to need. For example, if you like to run and gun, then you’ll probably need a three-gun set. If you prefer the point-and-shoot, then you might want two pistols.
The next thing you should do is decide on a range to shoot. Some ranges will allow you to go as far as you can get. Others will require you to line up with the target. This is an important consideration if you’re a newbie who hasn’t gotten any experience in using a gun yet.
To determine the proper distance from which to shoot, begin by making sure the paintball range is comfortable for you. Look around the paintball field and see how far the targets are, whether they’re out in the open or in buildings. You might also want to take into account how far away the targets are that you want to shoot. You don’t want to end up shooting too far away when you really only meant to cover about twenty yards.
You also need to know how the gun you want to buy has to be cleaned. You don’t want to have to lug a gun into the woods and then have to take it apart and clean it. Read some tips on how to clean a paintball gun before you buy one. If you’re a beginner, this will save you plenty of trouble.
Another thing you need to consider is the size of the paintball gun you’re looking at. For example, if you’re a smaller person, you’ll want a smaller gun. This is true for all types of people, no matter what their preferred methods of play are.
The main benefit of having a larger gun is that you can shoot farther. Depending on the gun you choose, you might even have the option of picking different ports to fire your paintballs through. These allow you to aim at angles other than the usual up and down.
Tip: If you’re a beginner, don’t purchase just any paintball gun. Think about which of the many options you need, how much they cost, and how many hours of play time you need.
The cost of the gun isn’t really the deciding factor; but, again, the amount of time you plan to spend in the woods using it is. Cheap guns won’t last long and you’ll have to replace them before you hit the yard.
If you’re a more advanced player, however, a decent gun isn’t so important. This can be the difference between a good game and a great game. If you’re a newer player, you’ll have more options to pick from and will be better off with a gun that is cheaper, too.
The best thing you can do to ensure that you get the most for your money is to go with a gun that is reasonably priced. You’ll find that a smaller gun will be less expensive than one that is a bit bigger, and that you’ll be able to play longer because you won’t have to replace it as quickly.