Starting the year right

I am starting this year right through this first post, thanks for my friends in najlepszy hosting for helping me put up this blog. Anyway, This 2018, I have decided to create a new blog for myself. Well, I still use my old blogs but I wanted to make another one so that I could update anyone with what is currently happening with my crazy adventurous life.

This blog is the start of something new. Last year was a blast! And I do hope that this year will be the same or better yet, will be the best ever. A lot of new changes, experiences, friends, and trials awaits so expect that you will be able to read and see different sides of me as I post them all here.

I can say that I am a better person now. I am more confident to express what’s inside of me and I believe that I am stronger in facing different phases of life.  Before New Year’s Eve, my friends Dherryl, Harold, Oliver and I bonded together at SM Marikina and watched the amazing and colorful fireworks at the Marikina Riverbanks. I had so much fun because there were endless laughters and crazy moments that night. The fireworks display was awesome because it was my first time to see it up close. Literally close! Too bad I wasn’t able to take pictures of the five or six minute  show but at least I had pictures of us having a good time in the mall and in the park. At SM Marikina, waiting for Dherryl’s waffle. I just had a wonderful night with them. Oh well I hope that I could still be with them next year! 🙂

Should I pursue my passion?

I am torned lately. I just want to chill at home. Or sometimes, I wan to puruse the things I love.


Have you ever planned a date night with your partner, only to hear the loud thumping sound of the rain showering your roof just an hour before you’re set to leave? Such a mood wrecker, isn’t it? Fret not as we listed some of the best indoor date ideas you can do at home to save the night. Binge watch television shows: If you’ve heard of the term ‘Netflix and chill,’ this might be the best time to get it on with your partner. Or if you’re not into it, perhaps you should just watch a whole season of Friends or Game of Thrones while lying under the blanket and feeling each other’s body warmth. But sometimes, really, Your first job isn’t always your dream job or the best one for you. During the first few years of surviving in the real world, more often than not, we take what’s in front of us and not really what we long for. So, before you reach your 30th, aim to pursue something that you would be best at because it is what you actually want to do.


As the saying goes, “Do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” As for me, I went to becoming a content stragegist who is also a freelancer. I am working at home and I am enjoying it! And of course, Be more involved with other people.


Whether if it’s a family or a friend, always make time for the people that you love and care about. A simple “Hi, how are you?” once in a while can help you build a better relationship with them. As for me, I m thinking of starting a site, and I am seeking out the help of my blogger friends, who know people from najlepszy hosting. We are going to have a meeting in the next few days and I cant wait to tell you the details!




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