California Solar Company May Bring Green Jobs to Mississippi

Recent news coverage by the Mississippi newspaper The Clarion-Ledger has indicated that the California solar firm Stion, based out of San Jose, California, will take over a former industrial site in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and utilize it in the manufacturing of solar panels. The decision emerged as a result of the state of Mississippi’s first legislative session today, which offered a major incentive package to the company to encourage it to establish itself in the southeastern Mississippi city.

The Clarion-Ledger reports that the company is expected to bring roughly 1,000 permanent green jobs to Hattiesburg and the surrounding area within the course of only half a year after the plant’s opening. The Clarion-Ledger also notes that once Governor Haley Barbour signs House Bill 403, the state will commence its process of loaning the firm $75 million dollars for equipment as part of the Mississippi Development Authority’s Industry Incentive Financing Revolving Fund. Stion will also receive certain tax benefits for its decision to place its plant in Hattiesburg and bring much-needed jobs to the local and state economy.

In related news, the Clarion-Ledger also reports that this past August, Mississippi state legislators provide an “economic incentive package” worth $50 million dollars to ensure a particular biofuel company chose the state for at least one of its facilities.

Stion, the solar panel manufacturing company that will be establishing a plant in Hattiesburg, currently operates in the Silicon Valley in California, where it puts out products that it claims “are among the most efficient thin film products on the market.”

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To read more about the incentive package in the Clarion-Ledger, please visit:

Author: Andrew David King
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Site Title: Green Jobs Ready Blog

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