Nine Ways to Get Clear Skin in Months: Changing Lifestyle Habits

DO: See a Dermatologist
If over-the-counter products aren’t doing anything for you, see a dermatologist. It could be that you have a skin condition like rosacea that prevents the active ingredients in OTC products from working. A dermatologist can determine which types of treatment will work, and will give you prescription treatments that are much more effective than the stuff in the skincare aisle. He or she can also give you advice as to what types of cleansers and moisturizers you should use.
DON’T: Overwash Your Face
You should wash your face twice a day – once in the morning, once at night. Don’t wash your face in the shower, it’s best to wash your face over the sink. If you exercise during the day, splash your face with warm water afterwards and put on some derma roller amazon. If you must remove makeup during the day, use makeup removing cloths and then rinse off any leftover makeup.
DO: Use Natural Products
If you can afford to, use creams and lotions made with natural substances, rather than just chemicals. Tea tree oil is a great natural acne treatment, and aloe is great for soothing skin that’s been treated with irritating acne creams and gels. Natural products give your skin very valuable and important nutrients.
DO: Use Gentle Cleansers and Moisturizers
Unless directed otherwise, you should use products that are very mild, especially those made for sensitive skin. Acne treatments can be irritating, your other skincare products should make up for the irritation rather than add to it. It’s very important to use a moisturizer that doesn’t contain irritating chemicals, or ingredients like mineral oil which can make acne worse. Look for products that say “soothing,” “non-acnegenic,” or “gentle.”
DON’T: Over-treat
If your dermatologist gives you prescription treatments, use those and nothing else. If you use OTC products, only use one or two, and only as often as instructed. If you use too many treatments, or too much of a treatment, you could irritate your skin and cause your acne to get worse!
DO: Keep Your Hair Out Of Your Face
The oils from your hair can make acne worse, so it’s best to keep your hair out of your face. A ponytail, half ponytail, or even wearing clips or a headband can work, as long as your hair stays back.
DON’T: Use A Lot of Hair Products
Even if you keep your hair back, hair products can still get on your face and exacerbate acne. For example, if you go to bed with product in your hair, that product can get on your pillow, and then onto your face. If you must use product, less is more.
DO: Use Sunscreen
Just because you have acne doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear sunscreen. It’s very important to protect your face – after all, acne’s pretty hard to treat when your face is sunburned. Don’t fall for the idea that a tan makes skin clear. Sunlight helps, but it’s only a short-term improvement.
DO: Eat Healthy
Junk food doesn’t make acne worse, but healthy food can make your skin better. The more healthy you are, the better your body can fight acne and heal acne marks.
With the right products and the right skincare routine, anyone can have clear skin!