How to Install Post-Nuke

How to Install Post-Nuke


Post-Nuke is an open source Content Management System (CMS). Post-Nuke is an easy to use Content Management System, a service provided by the company behind this link: asp .net cms. You can easily install Post-Nuke by going through your C-Panel of your website. You don’t need much HTML knowledge to create a nice website using Post-Nuke. This CMS has a built in WYSIWYG. Which stands for What You See Is What You Get. This makes it easier on you to create a website if you are new to web design. There are many themes out there that you can download and install. Some themes are free and some are not. In this tutorial I will show you how to install Post-Nuke.

Installing Post-Nuke through your Control Panel

Log in to your control panel of the website that you wish to install Post-Nuke on. Once you are logged in, look for the Fantastico link. Click on that link. On the next page you will see a list of links down the left side of your browser. Look for the link called Post-Nuke and click it.

The next page will have a brief description about Post-Nuke. Click on the following link to find out more about Post-Nuke.

Under the brief description you will see a New Installation link, the amount of disk space required, and the amount of disk space that you have available. Make sure that you have enough disk space before you continue with the installation. Post-Nuke is 17.63 mb in size. To continue with the Installation, click on the New Installation link.

The next page is the first step of the actual installation process. You will need to enter the required information in the fields to install Post-Nuke properly. I will explain each field incase you don’t understand some of the fields.

Installation Location

Install on Domain – Drop this box down and select which domain you want to install Post-Nuke on. You will have more than one choice if you have sub-domains.

Install in Directory – You will have two options in this field. Option 1 – You can install it in the root directory. Option 2 – You can install it in a sub-directory. When you install it in the root directory it can be seen when you go to your homepage. If you install it in a sub-directory then it will be placed in a folder of its own and you will need to type in a certain URL to access it.
Note:If you already have your website designed and trying out Post-Nuke, then I recommend you put it in a sub-directory. This way you can play around with it and get the hang of it before you put it in your root directory.

Admin Access Data

Administrator Username – Enter the username that you wish to use to log in to the admin area of Post-Nuke.

Password – Enter a password to go along with the username above.

Base Configuration

Site Name – Enter the name of your site in this field. This is optional and can be changed in the admin panel.

Your Site’s Slogan – Enter your site’s slogan in this field. This is optional and can be changed in the admin panel.

Search Engines Keywords – Enter the keywords for your site in this field. These are the words that the search engines will pick up on. This is optional and can be changed in the admin panel.

Start Date of Site – Enter the date that your site was created in this field. This is optional and can be changed in the admin panel.

Admin Email – Enter your email address in this field.

How many stories to display in the top page – This option determines the number of stories that will be displayed on the category page. Note this is not the same as the number of stories on the home page.

How many stories to display on the home page – Enter the number of stories that you want posted on the homepage of Post-Nuke. This can be changed in your admin panel.

Footer – This is the information that will be displayed at the bottom of your site. This is optional and can be changed in the admin panel.

Title for XML/RDF Backend – This is the title for your backend syndication XML feed. Usually it is something like “Example Sites Backend” or otherwise.

Send New Stories to Admin – You can choose if you want the stories emailed to the address you entered above or not.

Activate Multilingual Features – Select yes if you wish to activate the multilingual features or no if you don’t.

Show Flags for Language Menu – This determines if the images of flags will be shown beside the different languages.

Allow Unregistered Users to Post Comments – This is your choice. However, to cut down on spam, I would require users to be registered before posting comments. But the choice is yours.

Once you have filled in all the information click the Install Post-Nuke button.

The next page is step 2 of the installation. This page tells you that you have chosen to install Post-Nuke on so and so domain and in so and so directory. If this information is correct then click the Finish Installation button. To go back and make changes, click the back button on your browser.

The last page is step 3 of the installation process. The last page will show your username, password, and the URL to access Post-Nuke. Bookmark this page or print it incase you forget this information in the future.

You have successfully installed Post-Nuke. You are now ready to begin setting up your new Content Management System. If you run in to a problem or need any help with the installation process please feel free to email me using the contact button on this page.

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